Raven comes from a long line of Witches, the most famed of them all called Nimue. Unfortunately, she grew up without her parents and so she was not educated about witchcraft. Instead, she was found and raised by nuns, who instilled in her the belief that all magic is evil and that all Witches and Wizards are doomed to go to hell.
Upon the revelation of Raven's magic, she was kicked out and found by another Witch and joined her coven. But she didn't stay with them for long. She left there too, as soon as she realized that the Witches of the coven summoned and worshiped demons.
Torn up between what the nuns who raised her told her and the call of her true nature, Raven decided to use her powers to hunt demons and cast them back to hell. Her continuous hatred of her magic continued until she met Novah, who educated her about the true nature of her magic. Raven still struggles every now and then to remember that there are other forms of magic that aren't evil, but has embraced her powers and uses them to fight the good cause -mainly to keep Novah and her new friends safe and battle her evil former friend from taking over the world.